Rehab Case Files: Imping a Great horned owl
Our first blog in January featured a Great horned owl who was missing several of her primary feathers, which are essential for flight. This past weekend, we were able to complete the process of "imping" (implanting feathers)for this bird.
Rehab Case Files: Screech Owl x 4
The stories of four screech owls in our care at the moment.
Rehab Case Files: Barred Owl
This week, we are featuring a Barred owl that we received just before the new year.
Rehab Case Files: Great Horned Owl
Check out a few of the birds we are currently treating at the Sanctuary
Flying Free!
July 7, 2017
Emily Smith
One of the most rewarding parts of wildlife rehabilitation is releasing the animal back into the wild! In the last couple of weeks, we have had the privilege of releasing some of the birds that were in our care at the sanctuary!
Off to a Flying Start!
June 13, 2017
Emily Smith
We have officially entered busy season, and Whitney and I couldn't be more excited about spending the summer at the Ohio Bird Sanctuary!
Enriching Our Vultures
As the Curator of Birds at OBS, I have the privilege of caring for our birds on a daily basis. Part of my job includes coming up with creative ways of enriching the lives of our birds.
Have you ever been to Mansfield?
What eats 30,000 meal worms a week, can digest anthrax, and can sing you a beautiful song? The birds at the Ohio Bird Sanctuary, of course!